Thursday, August 27, 2009

real eyes. realize. real lies.

hmm, where shall i start?

dearest diary, ?
its such a big big upturn when you know and you believe that God is by your side every step of the way. and that there are so many caring friends around you who don't just turn away when your down - but actually grow closer when you're at the deepest hole at your deepest drop. i am ever so grateful. thankyou
as the title of this blog - it took me a while to know what it meant, but after i understood what it meant in my point of view ...nothing was ever that bad in the first place (:
we are really, just crazy high school kids.
so haha, booyah (: i'm not giving up. i will keep waiting and who knows what happens tomrw?
i will never deny God.

last night i went to sleep crying my heart out. i felt God's presence with me as a fell asleep and the next day i woke up feeling contented and i knew he took care of me that very night
i guess everyone has their ups and downs, life isn't smooth. i heard in a sermon once a quote that i will always remember
"I'd rather a bumpy road to heaven, then a smooth road to hell"
and i defs rather the bumpy road !


Anonymous said...

♥ U mems!!

mems. said...
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