Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16 september

A day at school.
Today was actually pretty fun (: i love hanging out with leeann i must say. such random times with such random blondies haha.
leeann and i both bought the same hugo chicken salad roll thing - which took forever to eat. and forever to chew. Then ash was like "hey mems, why do you always go on ebuddy and not msn?"
With my mouth full, i remebered telling Lee why i go on ebuddy not msn now so i indicated with hand signals to Ash to ask leeann. Obviously, ash thinking - yay, someone that can actually talk to me will tell me why
then leeann takes a quick bite and starts hand signaling to ash why. .. which obviously didnt help. went "ohgosh never mind"

i just realised it might not make sense, but i typed all that up i'm not gonna go delete it now hahahah. it was a be there moment. funnnny asss.
music - had an exam, i love macavity from Cats. i like very much
science - we had the ELP thing. but we didnt get to do it yet :)
and in english we did the QCATS. the teachers giving us so much time, you're only supposed to have 3 lessons on it. but in total we would have 5. Reminds me - i have to go think about it and study since we got a look at it before hand (: Let Wind Give You The Power.
MAP was the funnest. we played UNO. and we had a new rule that if you made any sort of mistake you had to pick up 4 cards. Darren would seriously accidently drop his cards and would pick up 4, or ask a question which is wrong, or would put down a wrong card. and he ended up getting nearly half the deck and we ran out of cards to pick up. hhahaha.
so funny. and as he was just bout to win - he'd forget to say Uno, or someone would draw 4 and draw 2 and all on him. and he'd have to pick up 12 cards or something.

another thing that came across my mind as i was listening to a song today. was. that what if we lived in a world of chances.
Would we be what we are today- but better cause you have at least the chance to do whatever you want.
or would we take things for granted cause you know - we'd have a chance at it anyway.
And i have decided (i guess for now anyway; high school years) - i dont feel. i don't believe in love no more. i give up. its like that annoying crazy taxi game.
everytime you move smoothly, your spacebar would suddenly die on you and you hit a car in front of you. you will no longer be running at your own pace - but trapped in the speed of others. you'd feel more lost than ever. and i think im ranting on about a facebook game in reality.

i think ishould go. im so hungry

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